Sunday, February 21, 2010

Challenge 5 is up!

It can be found here

Hi Everyone & Welcome to Pretty Scrappy! We are very happy to have you stop by us and we promise to not make this too difficult for you.

Text version in case you need to translate:
Pretty Scrappy Recipe Challenge
The requirements for this challenge are fairly simple. Follow the guidelines being as creative as possible using the recipe below. You can incorporate other items into your layout, but you must use at least 6 of the items listed. Since this is the month of Valentine's Day, your special challenge is to incorporate CHOCOLATE into your layout. So, 6 items in the recipe and chocolate!
* 1 ribbon * 1 tree
* 1 button * 1 staple
* 2 papers * 1 set of stitching
* 1 frame * 1 tag
* 1 flower * 1 alpha

For completing this challenge, you will receive:

Deadline to complete: Midnight EST Sunday February 28
Gallery NSIB: Post to sub-forum ADSR5.5 (wasn't available to link yet)
Gallery PS: If not registered in the gallery, please register (yes it is seperate from the forum) & post here -- add ADSR as additional category.

We hope that you stop back show off your layouts in our gallery as we would love to see them! Any one who posts their layout in our gallery will receive a special gift from us!

Oh and the most important part... HAVE FUN!!!

Our Challenge LO's

Sorry we haven't been keeping up with our blog! I am going to try and catch up real quick. Since we have not posted ANY of our LO's so far I will post challenges 1-4 LO's here.

Challenge 1 Barbara's


Challenge 2



Challenge 3



Challenge 4:




Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Challenge 2 is here!


Theme: 5 things I LOVE about....(choose a person, topic, idea, etc. Be Creative!)
Title: use a combination of 5 fonts and/or alphas (example: use 2 different fonts and 3 different alphas)
Photos: use 5 photos, one of the photos must have the number 5 in it!
Use 5 different elements of the same type (example: use 5 different flowers or 5 different buttons, etc.)

Season to taste: add ingredients from your digital pantry to make this layout your own!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Challenge of Season 5 has been posted!!

Welcome to Season 5 of the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race! We're excited to kick off the race at NDISB. To ease you back into the race, and to indoctrinate new racers, we've come up with a nice and easy challenge to get you started. Is that an oxymoron? Like jumbo shrimp? Easy challenge? In any case, we tried not to make it TOO challenging.

There are only three basic rules:

1) Your layout is about your partner. Introduce your partner to us. How you do this is entirely up to you. You can interview them, you can send them a questionnaire, you can use 5 words that best describe them, you can journal how you met for this race, or if you've been partners for years, you can make your page about a friendship that started with a crazy internet race and has since turned into so much more. The only rule is, the layout is about your partner and you need to tell us something about them.

2) You must include at least one photo of your partner. Large, small, color, b&w, of their face, back of their head, feet, whatever. But it must be a picture of your partner.

3) You must choose one layout from your partner's gallery and scraplift that as the page design for your layout. Only the placement of items is needed. You don't have to lift the colors, theme, etc. Just the overall placement of papers, elements, title and journaling.

Upload your completed layout to the ADSR5.1 Gallery and link us to your partner's layout in whatever gallery you found it. I know we have at least one team where a wife coerced, I mean encouraged, her husband to participate. In this case, there may not be an existing gallery. In this case, please have your partner choose a layout from anyone's gallery that he or she really likes, as your design inspiration.